In the aftermath of the devastating explosion that destroyed a single family home in Sterling, tragically taking the life of Sterling volunteer firefighter Trevor Brown, many homeowners have been asking questions about the safety of their residential propane tanks and systems.
Propane is an extremely safe fuel when used with properly installed and maintained equipment. But there are important facts every homeowner needs to know. Propane, unlike natural gas, is heavier than air and thus does not dissipate into the air when a leak occurs, but instead will settle in low areas, where it can build up to dangerous levels.
The most important rule safety experts emphasizes is: if you smell gas, LEAVE THE AREA IMMEDIATELY, do not operate lights, appliances, telephones, or any other devices that might generate a spark or flame, and call your propane supplier or 911 at once from a location well away from any possible source of the leak. If you can do so safely, turn off the main gas supply located on your outside propane tank.
Some excellent safety and maintenance information is available from the Propane Education & Research Council:
Consumer safety video series, including how to turn off your tank, what to do if you smell gas, how to get your system inspected